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The Federal Government has approved the sack of all the directors in the Pension Transitional Arrangement Directorate (PTAD), with immediate effect, following an investigation into illegal recruitment, Per Second News exclusively gathered.

The officials include all directors and department heads of the agency in charge of the country’s pension services.

Per Second News gathered that a months-long investigation found that directors who were already over the age of 50 years were hired as fresh appointment as against civil service rules.

Eligibility for appointment section 020204 of Public Service Rules states that “for first appointment to a pensionable service establishment , the officer shall not be less than 18 and not more than 50 years of age”.

Per Second News investigations reveal that most of the recruitment, which took place between 2014 and 2015,  was characterised by a flagrant abuse of the civil service rules and Federal Character principle.

Nellie Mayshak, former Executive Secretary/Director-General, allegedly hired most of them, according to our findings.

PTAD was established in August 2013 in line with the provisions of Section 30 sub-section (2) (a) of the Pension Reform Act (PRA) of 2004 (amended in 2014) which stipulated the establishment of an independent pension department for the Public Service of the Federation.

PTAD is made up of the Civil Service Pension Department (CSPD), Police Pension Department (PPD), Customs, Immigration and Prisons Pension Department (CIPPD), Treasury Funded Parastatal Pension Department (PaPD), and the Pension Support Services Department (PSSD).

The establishment of PTAD was a marked response to the huge police pension fraud involving the former Chairman of the Pension Reform Task Team (PRTT), Abdulrasheed Maina, who has already been declared wanted by the police.

Source: Per Second News

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