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Secret Reporters

Key political figures in Delta State All Progressive Congress (APC) are making moves to distort the Presidential order of who becomes the APC governorship flag bearer for the 2019 election in Delta State, Secret Reporters has authoritatively learned.

The APC currently parades three heavyweights aspiring for the ticket, namely Dr Cairo Ojougboh, Chief Great Ovedje Ogboru and Engr. Victor Ochei, who recently bagged a law degree.

Secret Reporters sources within the presidency revealed that the APC National body and the President are in tune with Cairo to take over Delta State from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

According to the source, “Buhari became interested in Delta State with the entrance of Cairo, who came to awaken the party from its slumber. If not Cairo, APC was not playing the role of opposition properly. Baba likes him and he has a good case before him, as one of those who held the party to near ransom, before the Supreme Court stopped it”. Cairo bounced into the hearts of all Deltans when he accused the Delta State Governor of running a blank budget in 2017, the first time such lexicon crawled into the national stage.

Prior to Cairo’s coming into the APC, we can authoritatively report that the candidate was Ochei, who is believed to have the clout to push out the PDP from power. A source familiar with the power play noted that key figures in APC believes that the former Speaker was the only one from Delta North who will be able to give Okowa a run for his popularity, but Cairo’s coming onboard may have changed the table against the Engineer turned lawyer.

However, in a meeting held by key Delta State APC Chieftains, they have concluded plans to send the name of Great Ogboru to be the 2019 flag bearer, with Cairo as his running mate. A clause was however added to it, that Ogboru will agree to run for just one term and hand over to Cairo to complete to Cairo to complete Delta North tenure to two terms.

When asked if it won’t alter the zoning of having an Urhobo man after Okowa and an Anioma after Ogboru, the ever reliable source simply stated that “we will handle it at the APC caucus, but for now, Ogboru has the cult figure that can give us the victory. He will however sign agreement to serve for just one term but with a clause that Cairo Ojugboh will succeed him. Thereafter we will cross the hurdle. Ogboru is like Buhari who has diehard fanatics as his followers, and we must leverage on it”.

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