Breaking News


Our attention has been drawn to a publication by an online news platform, Breaking Times wheAre it claimed that an alleged founder of supports child marriage.

While we have no reason to question the reportage of Breaking Times for whatever objective it has set out to achieve with such publication, we must state that the online news site erred on the side of ethics and professionalism for bringing us into what seem like a clear propaganda.

The publication which it entitled “@abusidiqu founder and staunch support of Buhari backs child marriage” is not only false but misleading.

For the avoidance of doubt, we wish to state clearly that Usman Abass Babayo, which the publication claimed is a founder of Abusidiqu has no iota of truth in it.

Usman Abass Babayo is not a co-founder of, neither do we have any business dealing with him. As a matter of fact, Abusidiqu has no co-founder as it was solely founded by Abubakar Sidiq Usman and has remained the sole owner till date.

Let’s even assume that Usman Abass Babayo is a co-founder of Abusidiqu as claimed by Breaking Times, what has his personal opinion got to do with his support for Buhari and his membership of the Buhari Presidential Campaign Organisation if he actually is? This clearly shows that there is an underlining objective to the report which Breaking Times published with Buhari’s name clearly appearing on the headline.

If Breaking Times has any reason to report on the Usman Abbass Babayo’s support for child marriage, it has absolutely no reason to associate him with Abusidiqu without any evidence to proof that there is a relationship between him and our news platform. The best it could have done was to confirm from us if Usman Abbass Babayo has a link with us.

That said, we challenge Breaking Times to provide evidence(s) that Usman Abass Babayo is a co-founder of Abusidiqu.

Breaking Times also claimed that Abusidiqu was “used as a frontline media propaganda platform by President Buhari during the presidential campaigns.” This is clearly misleading and an attempt to tarnish our image and reputation which we have built over the years.

We advice Breaking Times to cross-check it’s fact before running to press and desist from trying to run others down for no reason.

Abusidiqu Media Limited
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