Secrets Reporters

Documents available to us at Secrets Reporters contains detailed information on the suspended law lecturer in the university of Calabar, on his sexual escapades and how he was rusticated from the university of Calabar for cultism related activities.

In a letter dated September 14, 2015 and sent to the commissioner of police in Cross River State, and a copy made available to Secrets Reporters, the 1997 class in the Faculty of Law from the university has urged the Commissioner to prosecute Ndifon without further delay.

The letter stated that, Professor Cyril Osim Ndifon, is a disgraced lecturer in University of Calabar, and was one of their law lecturers who taught them the Nigerian Legal System sometime in the year 1999.
The group of lawyers said that, “we know that by section 36 (5) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended), a presumption of innocence inures in favour of anyone accused of having committed an offence, we note with dismay that the allegation is all too familiar and is an enduring theme of the over two-decades-old academic career of Prof. Ndifon. Ndifon’s victims number in the hundreds, if not thousands. Our own class, which is approximately 200-stong, teems with victims of his intimidation, sexual harassment and sexual predation.”

Our investigation reveals that, it is against university regulations for a lecturer to hold a test on a Saturday in a programme that is full time which the law programme is full time.
The petition which was signed by thirty one lawyers from the 1997 class, stated thus:
Assuming that the girl had been guilty of examination malpractice as alleged by Prof. Ndifon, tearing up her answer script was not the proper course of action to take as the university has a clear protocol for dealing with examination malpractice issues.

Assuming that the girl had been guilty of examination malpractice, Prof. Ndifon had no authority whatsoever to forgive her as she broke university rules, not his private rules. In asking her to re-copy the answers on a fresh sheet, he therefore acted ultra vires as a lecturer; and, in covering up a wrongdoing, he fell foul of university regulations. In fact, he broke extant law.

There is no satisfactory explanation for why Prof. Ndifon took the girl from his office as a Dean where there were two or three other people to his personal office as a lecturer– where there was absolutely nobody.

The facts reveal that the girl had been carefully chosen as a target; Prof. Ndifon had previously claimed that his sex with the girl was consensual. Assuming but not conceding that girl actually gave herself to him voluntarily, such consent is invalid at law as a presumption of undue influence inures against Prof. Ndifon considering his position as her course lecturer and also the Dean of the Faculty of Law; Professor Ndifon has not been accused of anything that is not within his perverse and perverted nature.

Cyril Ndifon’s other Crimes which was also listed was that, he was a law undergraduate of the University of Calabar in the 1980’s. but in his second or third year, the University rusticated him for cultism-related activities.

Cyril Ndifon went to the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) where he later obtained his Bachelor of Law degree (LLB) and the University of Jos for his Master of Laws (LLM).
The lawyers expressed dismay that the University of Calabar eventually offered him a position as an academic staff and thus gave him a platform which he used to pursue his mischief for about two decades now.
The group stated that based on the character deficit which his rustication typifies; the University should not have employed him.

There is thus no doubt that by its negligence or perhaps even outright refusal to carry out a thorough background check on Prof. Cyril Osim Ndifon, the University of Calabar unleashed an absolute monster on the hapless students of the University in general and students of the Faculty of Law in particular. The University of Calabar therefore shares direct blame in the unfortunate incident of August 29, 2015.

Secrets Reporters gathered that, before a law graduate is offered admission by the Nigerian Law School, he must fill out a form– which is on oath. Part of the information that the form seeks to elicit is whether the applicant had ever been rusticated from the university and whether he was or had ever been a secret cultist. An applicant who answers those questions in the affirmative is invariably denied admission.

Ndifon was offered admission, and he went on to pass out of the School, it is clear that he lied on oath.
Confirmed reports shows that, Prof. Ndifon is also an academic entrepreneur albeit in a negative sense, and carries on a thriving money-for-grades trade and habitually solicits for money from students in exchange for grades.

Sources within the 1997 class said, “one of his agents was their classmate, and Ndifon habitually failed students who either refused to bow to his extortionist scheme or yield to his rabid sexual advances.”
We are reliably informed that there are cabals in Cross River State and the highest echelons of power in the State and beyond who are working hard to help him escape justice because, he is Cross River State’s first and only Professor of Law.
The cabals argue that, Cross River State will be the loser if he falls from his exalted position but it does not matter to them that his sexual rapacity knows no tribe or tongue.
It has also been said that, Ndifon has never been guilty of displaying any ethnic sentiments in his selection of victims.
He has an eclectic taste: whether Igbo or Efik, Ejagham or Ibibio, Yoruba or Ijaw, Yakurr or Yala, everyone is fair game. Members of the group noted that, “it is disingenuous for anyone to suggest that Cross River State can be best served by a serial rapist. No glory can sprout from a foundation of shame and infamy. He is not an asset to Cross River State but rather a heavy liability.”

Although it is unethical in the press to release names of rape victims, Ndifon and his proxies have taken to social media, especially Facebook, to plead his case.

They have leaked the identity of the victim by publishing her name and picture; their aim is to traumatize her further into perpetual silence.

Meanwhile, all previous press reports had withheld the identity of the victim. They have tried to shape the narrative in a way that casts the victim as a morally loose person. But that cannot stand. Even if a lady is a whore, it is no less rape for any man to have sexual intercourse with her without her consent.
Again, Prof. Cyril Osim Ndifon and his sympathizers are piling tremendous pressure on the girl to drop the case. They have also subjected her to threats and intimidation. In fact, her lawyers have taken up the matter of an Army captain who called the victim to threaten her.

The Commissioner of police has been urged to thoroughly, professionally and impartially investigate the case of rape against Prof. Ndifon with a view to charging him to court to answer for his evil.
The Lawyers further stated that, “ His reputation as a skirt chaser, sexual harasser and rapist is the stuff of legends. For about two decades, the randy academic had blackmailed many female students into hopping onto his infamous table by threatening to frustrate their graduation from the law programme unless they had sex with him. The monster must be quarantined before he does more damage. The reign of impunity must stop.”

They further urged the CP to liaise with the Nigerian Law School to investigate Prof. Cyril Osim Ndifon for perjury and to prosecute him for same and bind Prof. Cyril Osim Ndifon over for good conduct to the end that no harm will come to any of the signatories on the letter.
The chairman of the ICPC yesterday stated that, Ndifon and another lecturer from the University of Lagos will be prosecuted for abuse of office.

Keep tab as Secrets Reporters continue to bring you coverage on the rape case.

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