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When the client comes, notes must be written, but he cannot even fish out the client records, and not by choice, HE DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO. He must wait for the Medical Records expert to fish out the records. Yet he is of the opinion their labours are immaterial and only he deserves recognition; he is the king.

He cannot tell, definitively, what ails the client until the humble laboratory scientist does his tests, yet he thinks he is better, above the beyond the man bent over the bench for hours seeking the cause of what ails the client.

He writes the drugs, but he cannot tell if drugs A, B, C and D will all work together for good or work together for evil or even work against each other until the quiet unassuming pharmacist points them out, yet he feels he is above him – just because he did a semester’s worth of pharmacology the pharmacist did for at least SIX semesters;

He cannot look after the clients and make them feel it is going to be okay, giving them comfort even in the face of eminent death until the beautifully dressed maid in white, the nurse, does it. Even with his obvious deficiency staring him in the face, he wants everyone to believe he alone does the job.

What about the cleaner? If she does not clean the conveniences, scrub their theatre after use, even his office, will the stench allow him stay near? But he is the king, no one else count.

Why does he think he knows all? Because he is given a taste (only a taste) of what others fed upon to the point of nostalgia. He must know what tests to run based on symptoms presented – so he is given a run-down of the tests, results and interpretation. He must do pharmacology because he must know at least the names of the drugs and what they do before he can prescribe them. But this little knowledge (which every university graduate knows “is a dangerous thing”) is what drives him to think he can do what others do.

If the Federal Government led by President Mohammadu Buhari GCFR, wants to address the problems bedeviling the health sector, every professional working there in must be given his due. Enough of one professional body (the NMA, the physicians) dictating, even blackmailing to manipulate, what happens with other professional bodies (Scientists, Pharmacists, Nurses/Midwives, etc).

The only king in the hospital is the client! It starts and ends with him.


Beragu Samuel

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  1. I am of opinion that Codeine should be highly regulated like any other narcotics but should not be banned
    It’s very shameful that Emzor Pharmaceutical industry was shut down because of codeine addiction
    People drink alcohol every day and end in the hospital,people over fed themselves an end in the hospital, people apply chemicals and end in the hospital ,and lot of other things like that
    Is Emzor the only company that produces codeine?
    Is it Emzor that put in pharmacopeia?
    We should all thread cautiously?
    People should be advised on proper life style and advised to shun drugs
    Have a lovely day and greetings of the day

  2. The fact that our leaders fly abroad to treat their ailments means Nigerian doctors are still quack.

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