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Bandit Empowerment: National Agency for Green Wall to Purchase N50 Million Worth of Motorcycles for Community in Jigawa State

Secret Reporters

While Nigerians still debate the insertion of inflated projects amounting to billions of Naira directly linked to the State House and the Presidency in the 2022 approved budget, more revelations are emerging especially on projects to be carried out by MDAs deemed to have no capacity to execute such with fears that such projects could become detrimental to the Nigerian state ahead of the 2023 general election.

Top on the list and presumably one of major concern is the intended supply of motorcycles to a local government in the bandit ravaged North-western region of Nigeria.

According to the 2022 appropriation bill obtained from the Budget office of the Federation, the National Agency for the Great Green Wall in its capital projects earmarked the sum of N50,000,000 (Fifty Million Naira) for the supply of motorcycles to the people of Garki, Jigawa Northwest Senatorial District with code number ERGP202203221.

A rough estimate shows that at the price of N300,000 each, the agency will be handing over more than 165 motorcycles to the community estimated to have a population of about 152,233 at the 2006 census.

The approval of this project by the Federal Government for the National Agency for the Great Green Wall, an agency under the Federal Ministry of Environment have been termed by security pundits as unimaginative and have since come under heavy criticism from Nigerians mainly because the agency which was primarily set up to prevent land degradation and desertification afflicting 11 states in northern Nigeria, and to boost food security in the country may be deviating from its mandate and heightening the fears of many in the northwest region where communities are being ravaged by bandits and terrorists who often arrive in motorcycles.

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