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Chief of Army Staff , Maj.-Gen. Tukur Buratai on a tour of villages suffering from Boko Haram attacks, August 23, 2015 (DHQ Photo)


Secret Reporters

Contrary to claims that the 10 members Niger Delta Avengers have been arrested, and paraded by the Nigerian Army, Secret Reporters findings shows that, none of the Avengers were arrested by the Army.

In a bid to impress the President, the Chief of Army Staff, General Buratai had disclosed that the Army had successfully arrested some members of the group, but our findings reveal that, over 50 armed men of the Nigerian Army were instead drowned in the creeks, while hunting the Avengers.

Responding to the statement from the Army, the group said, “The group said, the 10 young men arrested and paraded by the Nigerian Army over the weekend are innocent people who had nothing to do with the guerrilla group operating in the oil-rich Niger Delta region of Southern Nigeria.”

Facts reveal that, students of Gbaraun Grammar School in Oporoza, the location of a brutal army invasion were actually arrested, in what observers say, is a propaganda war by the Nigerian Army, to claim victory over the Avengers.

The commander of 4 Brigade of the Nigerian Army, Brigadier-General Farouk Yahaya, had paraded the suspected militants on Sunday, May 29, 2016 at the brigade headquarters in Benin, Edo state, saying, they were arrested at about 1:40am on Saturday, in Oporoza community in Delta State, “following a cordon and search operation conducted in the community”.

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