Secret Reporters

Like an expected thunderstorm, the just concluded governorship election in Delta State is beginning to cause ripples in the opposition camp especially amongst those who worked heavily against the re-election of Governor Ifeanyi Okowa allegedly because of sour relationship they have with the governor in the past and perhaps their selfish interest in the resources of the state.

One of such persons this online news medium learned who still nurses ill feelings towards the governor simply for denying him an opportunity some time ago from becoming the provost in a College of Education is no other than the Rector of Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe-Oghara Professor Emmanuel Ogujor.

A reliable source close to the Professor of Electrical/Electronics engineering disclosed to SecretReporters that during the governorship election, Professor Ogujor was secretly working seriously to ensure that the opposition candidate of the All Progressive Congress (APC), Mr Great Ovedje Ogboru emerge as the Delta State governor as he openly averted that Okowa is not a democratic leader and lacks the requisite for a new Delta State.

Allegedly after receiving some cash incentives from Ogoru towards achieving this selfish aim, the rector issued a serious directive to his staff to ensure that they mobilize voters in their various unit/ward to come out en masse and vote out Okowa.

In the meeting which was held at Mass Communication hall a week to the election, Professor Emmanuel with selected comrade staff and students in a calculated attempt to convey his message through the departmental/faculty leadership stated emphatically “we can’t afford to remain opposition”.

The directive probably did not go down well as it seemed strange and shocking for most people in attendance who argued secretly that the Professor with his level of education knows too well than to impose a candidate on them.

It was further revealed that most of the staff in direct disobedience of Professor Ogujor’s order openly canvassed for Okowa instead of Ogboru.

This prompted the rector to lash out at the staff as he reiterated that “Ogburu will get his stolen mandate” and promised to deal decisively with those who flaunted his directive after been informed by his aides that most of the staff were not in agreement with him from the onset.

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  1. Lies from the pit of hell . this is evil and it surely carries consequences. He was appointed by the governor and he has been working very conscientiously to promote and further the SMART AGENDA of our governor. We who are okowa’s enthusiasts have been following his activities very keenly and his loyalty to the governor is not in anyway in doubt. This smear campaigns must therefore stop


    Sometimes in an effort at wanting to be noticed or gain undue relevance, we play to the gallery. We play too much politics, sometimes unnecessarily with almost everything.

    One of the fallouts from the just concluded elections is the near collapse of a home over an allegations that the wife of a man, who is Gov. Okowa’s die-hard enthusiast , voted for the opposition. The man, who happens to live within our vicinity, was so miffed to the extent of sending the wife packing. Just about a week later, it was discovered the wife not only voted for Okowa, but equally mobilized her friends and relations in solidarity with her husband, to vote for Okowa. The rabid reaction of her husband to the baseless allegation and the attendant dust it generated is yet to fully settle down.
    The big question is what does the peddlers of this satanic falsehood want to achieve by orchestrating combustible lies that have the potentials of breaking up a home this couple might have laboured so hard to build and keep all these years? Is it to win the attention of the Governor for pecunary benefits or just to deliberately sow the seed of discord into a happy family? Such is the definition of politics to so many in our clime; making concerted efforts to pull people down to gain undue attention and favour

    Now, coming to the subject matter, my heart bled so profusely to stumble on some online publications recently which were not in any way more than a fruitless campaign of calumny to set the State Government against a very loyal and record-breaking Rector, lashing on events that heralded the last general election to demonize a man who almost worked his ass out to ensure victory for His Excellency, Sen. Dr Ifeanyi Okowa. I am not holding brief for the Rector or whosoever . I’m only putting up this piece as concerned supporter who have followed very keenly and closely , the activities of Engr. Prof. Emmanuel Apoyi Ogujor, particularly as the Rector of Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe-Oghara. I am neither contacted nor paid to put this up.

    Back to the issue. The question that should agitate every reasonable mind is what does the Rector stand to gain for choosing to work against the re-election of his benefactor who singled him out from amongst many for an appointment into the prestigious office of a Rector, even moreso when he knew that the Governor stood a far better chance of winning re-election?
    Or does the Rector not know, as someone with a near inestimable mental capacity , the dire implications of working against the political interests of his principal?
    To interrogate the issues further, why do those peddlers of falsehood think that the Governor, with his very vast experiences in human management that has spanned decades, would be so naive and undiscerning not to know the true intents of these purveyors of lies and deceits?
    For the records, the Rector has shown before, during and after the electioneering processes that he is undoubtedly committed and loyal to the Government and he knows for sure that he could only thrive better under the atmosphere of continuity. He exhibited his commitment and loyalty , even more by actively mobilizing for the re-election of Okowa at different levels . This he displayed before the full glare of the public on March 7 , 2019 during the 2018/2019 Matriculation Day where he made very passionate appeal to staff, students, visitors and friends of the institution to file out enmasse and cast their vote for the Governor without thinking twice on account of his numerous achievement and sterling performance in the last three and half years

    The Matriculation ceremony which was massively attended by people from different walks of life, had several media houses, including electronic and print media, public and private gracing the ceremony to capture events as they unfolded.
    The state-owned DRTV, RADIO DELTA and POINTER NEWSPAPERS as well as other renowned news outfits like DAILY INDEPENDENT AND VANGUARD NEWSPAPERS were fully on ground to cover the ceremony.

    So the question as to what statements made by the Rector, especially as they relate to call for support for the Governor’s re- election can never be controverted. As per the role the Rector played on election day in his immediate political constituency , the results are there for everyone to see.

    In his polling units in AGBON-OLOMU WARD 1, UGHELLI SOUTH LOCAL GOVT AREA , the PDP polled the following results to defeat the opposition

    Unit 008


    House of Assembly

    Unit 009



    House of Assembly


    I urge those agents of calumnious intents to contest the above figures or give apology for taking their mischief too far or forever remain silent.

    The Rector was also known to have supported the youth bodies of the host Community of the polytechnics and its immediate neighbouring communities with personal resources and logistics in their mobilization drive preparatory to the general election. The leadership of these Youth bodies are still very much alive to bear eloquent testimonies to his commendable efforts during the electioneering period.

    So one begins to wonder where these “cut and nail media pirates” got their “baseless facts” from before going to press. One does not need to be a journalist to know that as a practitioner , you are professionally required to check and cross-check your information before going to press. You are also required as a matter of professional etiquette to hear from all sides to a story before making your news.
    A situation where we now have some famished hawks who trade on blackmails to eke out a living, masquerading as journalists and bloggers , have rather jaundiced and rubbished the once revered “fourth estate of realm” and it is rather very unfortunate.

    For the information of his traducers, Engr. Prof. Emmanuel Apoyi Ogujor (jp) have succeeded in carving out an enviable niche for himself and no doubt stands out from the crowd as an astute, seasoned and A-grade academician and administrator. You doubt his records? Now read further. He became a full-fledge Professor of Engineering at a very youthful age of 44. He was deservedly appointed a substantive Rector of the Polytechnic in early 2017 and have since brought far-reaching reforms to the institution in line with the SMART AGENDA of His Excellency , Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa.
    …………..Entrepreneurship training has since taken the front seat, and today we have Delspo-Otefe paints, soaps , detergents and disinfectants about going commercial.
    ………………..Another commendable reform is in the area of upgrade in ICT with internet connectivity in all the nooks and crannies of the institution as of today. Also all staff now have official email accounts through which the polytechnic now carries out paperless transactions

    ……….Today , in order to make the learning environment more accommodating and conducive , the construction of a 3000-seater auditorium is in the works , and a couple of new academics programmes have sprung up with many old and new programmes being accredited .
    These and many more are compelling reforms that has placed the polytechnic on the front burner of national consciousness and reckoning, such that within 2 years of Engr. Prof. Emmanuel Apoyi Ogujor leadership, the Polytechnic is today ranked the best polytechnic in Delta state and the 7th best state polytechnic in NIGERIA by no less a body than the regulatory body, National Board for Technical Education, NBTE. These are quite laudable feats that only competent and result-oriented hand can achieve. The euphoria, his infectious and effective leadership and management has ignited in the heart of the people of the host community has crystalized into his adoption as the son of the soil with him been christened as OGHENEVWAIRE which translate to “God sent” him forth to restore and build

    . Besides, his accommodating disposition is so endearing that the host community and its immediate neighbours are fully at home with him.

    Petty politics of pull-him-down must therefore be discouraged and discountenanced . We must not give a dog a bad name in order to have it hung.

    Enough of the smearing and slandering

    Comr. James Ufuomanefe Ochuko wrote from Oghara

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