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Secret Reporters

Despite all efforts to clean the education sector of corrupt practices, more appalling details has uncovered how the Rector of Delta State Polytechnic, Oghara, Dr. (Mrs) Clara Sogbaike turned the institution into a business centre.

In a high powered petition written by a lecturer, Mr Osiobe Ovie to President Muhammadu Buhari, Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) and Inspector General of Police (IGP), he listed the numerous atrocities committed by the Rector.

According to him, the Rector has her partners in crime in the persons of the Registrar, Mr Benson Omonode and the Bursar, Mr Napoleon Akpubi, who connived to loot over N1 billion from the Polytechnic coffers, including awarding fake Result and Certificates to students as against National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) courses, approval and accreditation reports and extorted N5,500 each from over N70,000 (Seventy Thousand) students to carry out fake life policy insurance for the student.

According to the lecturer, he was kidnapped on the orders of the Rector for exposing these crimes. Mr. Osiobe alleged that the Rector, Registrar and Bursar has since August 2014 resisted arrest by the Police Force Headquarters Abuja with the aid of a court injunction which the Police Legal Department in Asaba has deliberately refused to vacate the order since September 22nd 2014 to date. In the petition, he stated that some very Senior Police Officers both in Police State Command Asaba and Zone 5 Benin City aided, abetted, conspired and protected these corrupt principal officers of the polytechnic from being prosecuted.

Mr. Osiobe also alleged that the Rector, Registrar, and Bursar are also being investigated by the Independent Corrupt Practice And Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC). Mr. Osiobe Ovie further alleged that the commission has been sued by the same Rector and two others for alleged infringement of their Fundamental Human Right in Asaba High Court of Justice. The lecturer noted that Sobgaike is only trying to scuttle Police and ICPC investigations into their alleged crimes. Most notable amongst her crimes is her involvement/link in the sponsorship of ammunitions, bullets, guns and other dangerous weapons to some students/staff who were involved in cultism, robbery and unlawful possession of firearms. A staff of Delta State Polytechnic, Engr. Dickson Eghwatore and four other students were arrested for cultism/robbery and unlawful possession of firearms in Oghara Police Divisional Headquarters, Delta State in October 2014.

The lecturer alleged that the offence being a capital offence ought to have been transferred to Asaba Police Headquarters for further investigation, but the case was silenced by the Divisional Police office in Oghara with the interference of their sponsor, Sogbaike. She did not expelled the students involved in the crime neither did she query/dismiss Engr. Dickson Eghwatore (The staff of the Polytechnic indicted in the crime). Instead she alongside the management of the school concealed the crime for over one year until Eghwatore was re-arrested on 22nd October 2015 on the directives of the Inspector General of Police, Mr. Solomon Arase.

Bullets, Guns, Daggers and other dangerous weapons have been recovered by crack operatives of Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad Abuja. Some of the other suspects are still at large while investigation is ongoing. Mr. Osiobe alleged that several petitions he wrote to the Delta State Government through the Secretary to the State Government, Mr Festus Ovie Agas were unattended to and even several text messages sent to both the telephone lines of the Governor and SSG fell on deaf ears.

Osiobe affirmed to our reporter that since the Rector and those she stole the money with could not kill him, they terminated his appointment as a lecturer unlawfully with the active connivance of the former Commissioner for Higher Education, Delta State, Prof. Hope Eghagha, the Permanent Secretary and Director of Higher Education, Delta State, who all benefitted form the looting of the school.

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  1. Mr. Ovie Osiebe who has been a notorious fellow, he is a member of a secret cult (MAFIA CONFRATERNITY). He saw himself as a mini god and above the constituted law governing the Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe- Oghara. He was intimidating students at will such that if a female student refused to go to bed with him, such student either fails or her life definitely would be in danger. There is this dark glasses he wears that make him very dreaded on campus. While he was in service of the Polytechnic.

    There is no crime, atrocity and illegality that was committed in and out of the Polytechnic environment that his name was not mentioned. Ranging from extortion, rape, cult activities, inflation of students scores, selling of Textbooks without giving such books to the students which he sold above Management Book Pricing Committee list, disregard for constituted authority with impunity.

    There was a particular case where he collected N500.00 (Five hundred Naira)each from 600 ND 1 students (School of Part-Time Programme. When he was interrogated by the Academic Board members, he claimed he used the said amount for the purchase of Chemicals to teach ND 1 Business Administration and Management students. One could imagine what ND 1 Bus Admin students would have with Titration of chemicals.

    After several warnings from Management, on all his illicit activities as a result of verbal reports, phone calls etc, he continued upon which the Academic board after inviting him, he owed up on the aforementioned. consequently upon he was suspended with full salary. he went about boasting that (nothing dey happen) that his mother being a Chief Judge that he would sink the school and Management.

    Finally, Asaba took a firm decision on his issues and his appointment was terminated by the then Commissioner for Higher Education. This OSIEBE OVIE should be disregarded and should also be seen as a FRAUDSTER whose allegations is baseless, untrue and useless.

  2. My attention has been drawn to a malicious online publication by Secret Reporters titled “After Embezzling ₦I billion, Delta State Poly Oghara Rector, Clara Sogbaike gives guns to cultists to kill enemies!!

    In the article, the reporter quoted Mr. Ovie Osiobe copiously. The article is false, malicious, ill-motivated and a calculated attempt to assassinate the character of Principal Officers of the Polytechnic. It is the handiwork of a drowning man who is out to pull others down with him.

    In the first place, I wish to place on record that the appointment of Ovie Osiobe was terminated for gross misconduct and breach of the rules and regulations of his employment with the institution since 24th December 2014 after due process. A disclaimer to that effect was published by Management of the Polytechnic in the Vanguard Newspaper of Thursday 10th December, 2015. The offenses committed by him range from sexual harassment, extortion and forgery of receipts, including taking the marking scheme, question papers and examination booklets outside to write same examination for female students in return for sexual gratification long after the examination had been written.

    A proper study of the report reveals that the allegations put up by Ovie Osiobe are false and baseless and born out of the imagination of a morally bankrupt individual who is suffering from schizophrenia of the most paranoid type. This may be why he is being ignored by the dignitaries mentioned in the malicious publication.

    It may interest the public to know that the Management of the Polytechnic ably led by Dr. (Mrs.) Clara Sogbaike has instituted a phenomenally high level of academic discipline and infrastructural amenities which are unprecedented in the history of Polytechnic education in Nigeria through prudent management of scarce resources.

    Endowed with a deep sense of humility and an unusual ability to create a convivial atmosphere for dialogue and intellectual discuss, Dr. (Mrs.) Clara Sogbaike has won her way into the heart of all and sundry including staff and students of the Polytechnic.

    Today visitors to the Polytechnic are readily consternated at the high level of academic and infrastructural development and the marked difference between when the Polytechnic was created many years ago and what it is now.
    A recipient of several National and International awards, Dr. (Mrs.) Clara Sogbaike has taken giant strides by properly institutionalizing the Polytechnic through turn key projects and decisions, a classic example being her ability to facilitate the first combined convocation ceremony after thirteen years of the Polytechnic’s existence. She has also accredited the highest number of courses for the Polytechnic through the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) Kaduna.

    Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe-Oghara has zero tolerance for cultism and all forms of social vices. As such, those who refuse to comply with inherent codes of conduct are shown the way out. I therefore urge the public to discountenance the futile attempt of detractors and disgruntled elements like Ovie Osiobe as they resort to this type of cheap blackmail to malign the Polytechnic Management. As we strive to achieve excellence, we shall not allow ourselves to be deterred or lose focus in our effort to upgrade the educational standard of the institution by a group of miscreants who have constituted themselves into subterranean saboteurs.

    Finally, I hereby appeal to the Federal Government to step up efforts to formulate policies aimed at regulating, checkmating and eliminating the negative and invidious activities of individuals who post haphazard information on the internet whereas they are nothing but online rats.

    The facts about the nefarious activities of Ovie Osiobe are available at the Polytechnic for any reporter worth his salt to look at so as to make informed reportage. Investigative journalism has made it unfashionable for any seasoned reporter to allow himself to be used to do the dirty job of a societal dreg.The online platform known as secret reporters erred by publishing the defamatory article without proper investigation. Please let us be guided in our utterances.

  3. Let peace reign

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