Secret Reporters

Discontentment breeds greed. When one is never satisfied with what he has, he could go on and on until he gets what he perceives to be big without minding whose ox got gored. In the African setting, inheritance often call for some Berlin conference, a scramble and partition for who gets the giant share of the dead parents will. And in the process many siblings become bitter enemies, leading to unnecessary rivalry, hatred, anger and in some cases death. It is always better to sweat it out so inheritance won’t be the only balance you weigh your life.

In cases where a child is all out to get everything for himself illegally to place the others at less fortunate positions, it often calls for legal action.

It is saddening that Enyomeji Ademu Idama is all out to take every of the properties his late father willed to his mother at all cost, much to the detriment of the poor widow. Enyomeji Ademu Idama is a lecturer at the Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State (MAUTECH), who has a trail of a bad and stained past filled with his terrible misdeeds. Instead, of trying to right this wrongs he has grown with his repelling behavior.

From our findings, Secret Reporters discovered that the said Enyomeji attended the Government Secondary School, UBA-Adamawa State and was the FCS president.

He had never been that much of a bright lad in secondary school and as such, in his O’Levels result, he had the worst result. A record that still stands today as no student of the school has been able to break it.

After secondary school, Enyomeji applied for a remedial course and was not successful in each attempt. It was through his late father’s goodwill, Prof. Adamu Idama that he was given admission to read Engineering in MAUTECH.

However, it seems that Enyomeji did not appease the gods of failures enough, because he soon had 5 carryovers with a very weak CGP.

It is however stunning that Enyomeji is currently parading a Masters Degree in Engineering and lecturing in the same institution without an O’Level, a source familiar with him alleged. Let’s blame it on the rotten and failing Nigerian educational system.

Despite his past bad records, the trace of a very ugly past, Enyomeji has gone ahead to seize the properties willed to his mother, Barr. Mrs. Sarah Idama, by his late father. He went ahead to obtain by fraudulent means his late father’s money by transferring all the money in the decease’s bank accounts into his own personal account.

To validate this, Enyomeji went to the Probate Registrar; Adamawa’s High Court of Justice claiming to be the Next Of Kin (KOK) to Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama (DECEASED) and was issued a letter of Administration as the Next of kin to Late Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama. This he did in order to put his mother at a very big loss.

However, the solicitors to Barr. Mrs. Sarah A. Idama, Mark .O. Ogedengbe and Associates Mizelaru Chambers have released a public disclaimer concerning the illegitimate activities of Enyomeji Idama.

According to the Chambers:

This briefing has become necessary because of certain ugly and ungodly events unfolding with regards to the ESTATE of Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama(Deceased) and other matters, therefore the General Public should take note and act accordingly;

1.) That “Engr.” Enyomeji Ademu Idama the Eldest son of Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama (DECEASED) and Lecturer in Modibbo Adama University of Technology (MAUTECH) Does NOT have a Valid and Verifiable SSCE Certificate Showing 5 CREDITS (Maths and English Inclusive) in ONE SITTING.

2.) That Enyomeji Ademu Idama was NEVER at any TIME the Next Of Kin (KOK) to Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama (DECEASED) at (a) The Modibbo Adama University of Technology (MAUTECH), (b) University Of Abuja Teaching Hospital(UATH) where Late Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama was Admitted or (c) FirstBank & Ecobank accounts that were operated by Late Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama.

3.) That Enyomeji Ademu Idama approached the Probate Registrar, Adamawa State High Court CLAIMING to be the Next Of Kin (KOK) to Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama (DECEASED) and was issued a letter of Administration as the Next of kin to Late Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama.

4.) That Enyomeji Ademu Idama went ahead to (1.) Close all of Late Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama accounts in FirstBank and Ecobank and transfer all the money into his personal account. (2.) the sale of Late Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama assets mobile(Vehicles, while keeping others for personal use etc) and fixed assets and lodged the proceeds of these transactions into his personal account.

5.) That the TRUE next of kin (KOK) to Late Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama is his Wife and NOW Widow, BARR. MRS. SARAH A. IDAMA.

6.) That she NEVER at any time relinquished her rights of Next Of Kin(KOK) to any person whatsoever including but not limited to her offspring.

7.) That the VC Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola-Adamawa State (MAUTECH), FirstBank, EcoBank and the Probate Registrar-Adamawa state High Court have received correspondence from the Chambers(Legal Department) representing Barr. Mrs. Sarah A. Idama the Wife and now Widow of Late Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama on this matter.

8.) That all Interactions/Transactions with Enyomeji Ademu Idama be henceforth put on hold indefinitely.

9.) That since the death of Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama, which will be 1yr by 19th of April, 2018. Enyomeji Ademu Idama by privilege of working in the same institution as Late Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama kept himself busy plotting how to make himself Next Of Kin and Strangulate the Widow of late Prof. Adamu Idama Financially, thereby compromising her already poor health even further while she was Grieving the demise of her husband which is not even up to one (1)year yet.

10.) That the Widow of Prof. Ademu Adedotewnojo Idama and Rightful Next Of Kin (KOK) in person of Barr. Mrs. Sarah A. Idama has SURVIVED PURELY by the MERCIES of GOD ALMIGHTY.

11.) That all the original documents evidencing Barr. Mrs. Sarah A. Idama as the next of kin are in her possession and yet Enyomeji Ademu Idama was issued a letter of Administration by the Probate Registrar, Adamawa state High Court in what is a rather Shocking Development.

12.) That his actions (Enyomeji Ademu Idama) are purely for his personal gains and that of his Sponsors.

In order to see that justice be done, copies of this letter have also been sent to the Vice Chancellor of Modibbo Adama University of Technology Yola, Adamawa State (MAUTECH) and the Probate Registrar, Adamawa’s High Court of Justice.

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