The oldest Institution on earth is the Church and sorry for being fanatical, the Catholic Church Precisely! Very organized, highly uniformed, full of traditions and have survived for over 2,000 years. Her doctrines are well laid out and her teachings infallibly-handed down from generation to generation. One remarkable line in her numerous teachings is that the church is a church of saints and sinners! It is not a monopoly of saints nor an institution where all arrogate Sainthood unto themselves and see no room for examination of conscience and mea culpa to God and humanity. I was brought up in this tradition, I believe in it and so too must all who belong to that Christendom. I am sure Peter Obi, the ex-governor of Anambra State belongs to this tradition too.

In the eight years of Governor Peter Obi, through his leadership style in one hand and through his image laundering media team on the other end, the mortal Governor appropriated Sainthood and all its theological meaning and moved around spreading the news of his infallibility! For Peter and indeed his team advisers, the Governor cannot err, have not erred and will forever never err either in political assignments, economic management and development, and mostly in human resource management. His records are sacrosanct and his Prudence crying to heaven for canonization. As we saw and was told, Peter received over 100 awards from International organizations and the Church who confirmed him Papal Knight! That was the summit, the apogee of his Sainthood on earth.

Yet am worried… Am worried because Peter irrespective of how hardened, smart and pretentious he has been up until this point has a conscience. Oh Yes! And that conscience cannot desert him even when he deluded himself or is deluded by advisers that he infact is already a man after God’s own earth. How has Saint Peter Obi since he still live reflected on the Malicious, False and Destructive Actions to fellow men and humanity while he approaches Karma-like destruction. A brief Unmasking of the saint… Through the global lens of gross human rights abuse!

Somebody should ask Saint Peter Obi…what really happened in the Ezu River Massacre and dumping of Massob identified bodies? Somebody should ask him his role in the patterned death discovered in those bodies and whether he is aware? No Tantrums… Just somebody should ask him where Awkuzu SARS and his Government drove human life to in that Abattoir?

Again, please who told the police that the implanted dried human skull at Upper Class Hotel has been job done by on that fateful day 1st August, 2013? Was it coincidence that as immediate as the boy lodger left than the police arrived? How did the Governor mobilize heavy duty trucks and bulldozers with all logistics to the Upper Class Hotel site on the same date? Was there contract signing pre arranged waiting for the set up to click and for those tractors to be mobilized to site instantaneously? Or was the whole arrangement made under 24hrs? Why was the Saintly Governor in a haste to demolish even with distress calls from across borders urging caution? Was the Governor in a haste to Demolish evidence that could have helped the State in Prosecution of Bonaventure Mokwe? Is there any justifiable motif not just for demolition but for hasty and prompt demolition of Upper Class Hotel? No Tantrums… Just Reflecting questions for the Saint!

In Anambra State, as at 1st August 2013, the debris of any property demolished by Saint Peter Obi remained on site. Fact Finders and True Fact please verify through your sources and revert. Why was Upper Class Hotel demolished and the debris cleared sameday? But why?

On authority, the Police revealed facts of investigation both to Peter Obi, his legal adviser and media adviser Valentine Obienyem…yet they insisted that all staff and owner be framed up with a binding charge and be remanded in Prison custody till after Gubernatorial elections. The best bet in a binding charge was murder and Mokwe got sniffers of what was about to happen in Awkuzu SARS and shouted through the wife and NoprinFoundation Nigeria…A Human Right Foundation. Even with their interventions, the police with hands tied as they told us proceeded with the grand plan B and charged innocent folks with murder of a strangled disappeared MASSOB member.

Who on earth, upon the footstool of God asked the Police to use the name of a man who died in the police custody as a decoy to charge citizens of a democratic state with murder? Was it Saint Peter Obi?

No Tantrums… Only Peter can answer that!

Why has the State not activated prosecution on the matter after two years? Did Peter Obi disappear the file or has it disappeared in Police custody as so many young men do while Saint Peter Obi reigned supreme?

No Tantrums… Only Saint Peter Obi who saved 75billion and set up an innocent man, demolished a choice property at Ose Main Market, cleared the debris within 24hrs and detained 13 staff as political prisoners can answer this question.

Heavens open…Hear the supplications of the innocent! Are these not among the seven sins crying to heaven for vengeance? My Catechism of Catholic Doctrines teaches me so…

Justin Nwankwo
Coalition Against Torture in Nigeria(CATIN) Co-Founder writes from Awka

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