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In this season of politicking as the nation gears up for the 2015 general elections politicians would characteristically employ every imaginable method to achieve their goals. There would be kite flying, innuendoes, intrigues, blackmails, false allegations and even blatant lies. To this category of persons, especially the most

desperate of the desperadoes, the end justifies the means hence nothing is sacrosanct so long as it would feather their nests.  This brand of politics is not only played in the field but also in the media. It suffused in a fictitious day dreaming article passed off as news story entitled ‘2015: Orji’s selection panel creates crisis in Abia PDP’ published in the Daily Newswatch edition of Thursday, July 17, 2014, page 9.
We, the united family of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Abia State are utterly appalled and exasperated over this satanic piece of irresponsible journalism. Maxwell Oditta, who wrote the so called story threw every journalistic ethics to the wind and dwelt on fiction, concoction and blatant lies to achieve the goal of the sponsor of the ill-fated story. It was dead even before it was put to bed. That was why Oditta in his desperation to satisfy the whims of the person who used him to plant the fiction started by committing a grievous error of facts. He wrote in the very first paragraph that “barely 48 hours after the Abia State Commissioner for information died of gun shot wounds from unknown assassins; there is growing disquiet in the state not associated with Ken Nwosu’s death.” Oditta, the journalist could not grasp the facts of an unfortunate incident that left the people of Abia in mourning mood. For his information, the Abia State Commissioner for Information, Eze Chikamnayo, is hale and hearty. It is his counterpart in the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr Kenneth Nwosu that passed on following attack by evil doers. That suffices for a journalist who does not crosscheck his fact before rushing to the press.
To put the records straight, the Governor of Abia State, Chief T.A. Orji has not set up any committee for the purpose of choosing the next governor. He is a democrat and has never arrogated to himself the autocratic power of lording it over others. Our amiable Governor has said it publicly for the umpteenth time that he would not dictate to the state the person that would succeed him. For this reason, he has maintained that only God and the party would decide the governorship candidate of the PDP in Abia. He has not reneged on this solemn promise. Governor T.A. Orji neither prevaricates nor equivocates. He is a man of his words and we don’t have any reason to doubt him. The party leadership in Abia would in due course set in motion the process of choosing the person to carry the party flag in 2015 through the party primary. We don’t know of any selection committee. It does not exist in Abia. It only exists in the dubious imagination of Oditta and the person who used him to plant the story in Daily Newswatch.
The reporter’s desperation railroaded him to link notable Abia PDP elders to his non-existing selection committee. Obviously, he was hell bent on making his concoction palatable. But it didn’t jell. The fiction writer failed to recognize the democratic credentials of the people he disrespectfully mentioned their names in his fallacious story. He should have known that Chief Onyema Ugochukwu, whom he branded as the chairman of the selection committee, Prince Vincent Ogbulafor, and Senator Ike Nwachukwu are not the run of the mill politicians. These respected Abians and other mentioned as members of the fictitious committee are men of integrity who will not lend themselves to be used as tools to achieve any sinister political objective.
Oditta regaled his readers with quotes from fictitious “sources” that supplied him with what happened at a meeting that never took place. The recourse to hide under fictitious sources is the trademark of mischievous journalists like Oditta. It’s all part of adding seasoning to his fallacious concoction. What a pity for a writer who strives hard to pass a work of fiction as a factual work. It doesn’t work out that way and it leaves the floundering in self-pity. It would do the nation a lot of good if journalists could separate facts from fiction. They need to be circumspect in accepting to do the bidding of desperate politicians, who are wont to use them to plant stories to damage their opponents.
Let it be known that Abia State PDP is strong, peaceful and united. The party owes its strength to the exemplary leadership of Governor T.A. Orji. It was our governor, who through his inclusive leadership style, humility, believe in equity and fairness brought together all the disparate tendencies in the party. We make bold to say that today Abia PDP is the most peaceful in the country. There is no “disquiet” in the party and our high flying Governor has done nothing to create such situation as purported by the pedestrian journalist that goes by the name of Maxwell Oditta. If only he knows the man in charge of God’s Own State he would have known that Chief T.A. Orji is not one to pull down the house he has built. Not even for any political expedient would he drag the party into crisis. If that is the wish of Oditta and his sponsor it would never come to pass. The PDP would remain strong and united as we march on to yet another resounding victory in Abia State come 2015.
We therefore assure all Abians that the Abia PDP as a party of democrats, led by the Icon of Democracy, Chief T.A. Orji would ensure that the success process is rancor free and conducted in accordance with democratic principles. We understand that as a party of Abia people the PDP is held in high esteem and there is equally high expectation from Abia people that the party would by popular choice give them a fitting successor to Governor Orji. Abians want a person who would continue the legacy of unprecedented development that the Ochendo era has brought to Abia. The PDP would not disappoint the people. Democratic principles would be our guiding principle in the choice of our gubernatorial candidate as well as candidates for other elective positions in Abia. There will be level playing field for every aspirant.
Long Live His Excellency, Sir T. A. Orji (Ochendo)
Long Live PDP
Long Live Abia State

Hon. Chief Ogbuka Uchechi (JP)
State Publicity Secretary

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