Secret Reporters
As the Nigerian economy continues to experience a downturn with a sharp and drastic rise in the cost of living, several Nigerians have resulted to devising means of fetching more income to meet up with the economic demand of the country.
Civil and public servants are not left out in this quest as it has led many to break the very oath they took when joining the service. They have devised means that are alien to the Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
A clear case is that of Amile Michael Shawon, a civil engineer at Benue State Ministry of Works, Housing & Transport Makurdi. Amile Michael Shawon fraudulently took contracts from the Benue state government to the sum of N582, 742,945.93 breaking the Code of Conduct Bureau for public officeholders.

SecretReporters perusing the Benue state Open procurement portal discovered that Aker V Concept Ltd was awarded a contract worth N135,142,120.00 through the Benue state Ministry of Health And Human Services, for the renovation of comprehensive primary health care Centre, Agasha and comprehensive primary health care Nnzughul, Guma Local Government Area on 18 May 2022.

Also on 18 May 2022, the same ministry awarded another contract worth N299,998,090.69 to Haak Kontractor Ltd, for the renovation of the General Hospital, Gboko.

Finally, on June 3rd, 2022, the same ministry awarded a contract worth N147,602,735.24 to Aker V Concept Ltd, for the renovation of the General Hospital Naka Gwer West LGA, bringing the total sum of contracts awarded to N582,742,945.93.

Findings by SecretReporters show that Aker V Concept Ltd and Haak Kontractor Ltd both have Amile Michael Shawon as their director.

The Code of Conduct for Public Officers which states; that “except where he is not employed on a full‐time basis, engage or participate in the management or running of any private business, profession or trade; but nothing in this paragraph shall prevent a public officer from engaging in farming or participating in the management or running of any farm”, was violated by Amile Michael Shawon a serving civil servant in the Benue State Ministry of Works, Housing & Transport Makurdi.