By Ibrahim Kabiru Dallah

As we are aware, it is no more news that Nasarawa State Government through the Secretary to the State Government recently announced the approval of the CATTLE RANCHING in some part of Nasarawa State mostly occupied by the ALAGO NATION.

As an advocate of peace and better Nigeria, I will always do anything possible that will promote peace building in Nasarawa State and Nigeria by extension.

For the purpose of clarity, the Government only made the announcement without consulting the traditional rulers, Stakeholders and youth of the affected areas. A simple town hall meeting would have save the Government from being condemned by the people of Awe, Dom and Keana Local Government area of Nasarawa State.

However, the Al-Makura led Government has taken one of the wrong decisions in the history of Nasarawa State, if government is really for the people then why must the Government take a unilateral decision without consulting the people.

The Government is equally aware that their decision is null and void because the youths of the proposed area for ranching will resist it by all means, you cannot give out their lands without consulting them, in fact, the land in Doma, Awe and Keana are limited and they are already farming on it. If the Nasarawa state Government can longer protect the lives and properties of the people, then they would be left with no any other option than to protect themselves.

To me and many others in Nasarawa State, the only place that is ripe for the proposed CATTLE RANCHING is Kwandare, Lafia Local Government where Governor Al-Makura hailed from, there is abundance of virgin land from Kwandare to Garaku Local Government. If Nasarawa State want to find a lasting solutions to the subsisting crisis between the farmers and herdsmen then they must do the needful by not creating more crisis for the people in the name of ranching.

It is a very sad commentary that the Governor Al-Makura is only interested on the money that will be released by the Federal Government for ranching but not on the peace of the State. If not, how would one describe the situation where he wants to wash away the future of the youths of the Alago Nation by taking away what rightfully belong to them.

It will not be a crime for a village like Kwandare that has an International Market, Federal Schools, Cargo Airport and many other Federal Government projects to equally have CATTLE RANCHING.

Please, listen to Barr. Ashokpa Iliya Auna, National President of the Youth Wing of the Alago Development Association (ADA), “It will naturally be of good conscience to allocate most of these ranches to areas and places like Keffi, Nasarawa and Uke local government areas who have similar culture, tradition and speak the same language instead of Doma, Keana, Obi and Assakio”.

Of truth, one of the salient question that has been on the people lips is “will the land be given to Funali’s freely or rented”, as a matter of fact, we cannot fold our hands in Nasarawa State when things are moving in a wrong direction.

Therefore, it is our earnest prayers that the Government of Nasarawa State under the watch of Al-Makura will reconsider her position in order to do the right thing and forget trading people lives for his 2019 Senatorial ambition.


Ibrahim Kabiru Dallah is the Convener, Save Alago Nation and Member Representing Nasarawa South and Leader Nigerian Youth Parliament, Federal Republic of Nigeria. @ik_dallah on Twitter

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