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…How she forced her nymphomaniac daughter on man to marry her after getting pregnant.

The out going Speaker of Anambra State House of Assembly, Mrs. Chinweokwu Nwaebili, Commissioner in waiting, a demotion from the exalted No. 3 position in the state and the failed candidate for Ogbaru Federal Constituency in the March 28 election has since been acting like a bull in a China shop.

First, she’s been throwing all manner of curses and invectives on Ogbaru people for rejecting her. Second, she prompted the Governor to sack an innocent man, whom she sponsored to become the Chairman, State Taskforce on Road Decongestion. Reason. She received an anonymous copious text message that the man said to be a retired Custom Officer, worked for Stella Odua. Based on the frivolous text message she swiftly recommended that the poor fellow be fired without investigating the allegation or giving him an opportunity to explain himself. Now that APGA members in Ogbaru and even Chinwe’s father, Igwe Afubero have stoutly testified that the man never worked for Stella Odua, the outgoing Speaker does have the face to tell the Governor that the man is innocent.

With the APGA Congress afoot, she has perfected plan to wage a fratricidal war against non other than the Ambassador Extraordinaire and Plenipotentiary, Senator Alphonsus Igbeke, fondly known in Anambra State and beyond as Ubanesse. Recently, she boasted to her associates whom she gathered to a kangaroo marriage ceremony where she forced her nymphomaniac daughter on one unfortunate young man who impregnated her, that she will deal with Ubanesse. She told them that part of her mission to USA was to meet the Governor in order to checkmate what she termed the “excesses of Ubanesse”. She asked them to wait and see; that by the time the Governor returns from the US, Ubanesse will be an outcast. Gone! History! She told them that Ubanesse would be stopped from conducting the Congress and that his quest to become the Party National Chairman will end up as a huge dream.

Going by the unfolding events, it seems her comments are beginning to manifest going by the constitution of the Ifeatu Onejeme’s Congress Committee, ostensibly to block Ubanesse.

What has Ubanesse done to deserve this sort of cruelty, many have continued to ask? How come the Governor has become so vulnerable to the manipulations of this confirmed jezebel? Those who know her well say it’s her stock in trade. They say that was how she manipulated Peter Obi to become Speaker; not because she is so intelligent nor has any extraordinary political flair. All she simply did was to use gossip and wicked lies to befuddle the unsuspecting man. And she is beginning to deploy same tactics to fool Governor Obiano while his wife, to many people’s surprise, looks on as if she is under some kind of spell.

She wants Ubanese out of the way so that she can hijack Ogbaru Congress and plant her candidates at the Ward, Local Government and State level. What an ambition!

By May 29, she will become the Commissioner for Environment while her son is SA to the Governor. She is quietly scheming for her cousin to become the next Local Government Chairman. Her other siblings are already in charge of 80% of the revenue windows in Ogbaru Local Government Area. Haba! Just one woman?

Governor Obiano should watch it. Ogbaru people are fed up with the way he is forcing down their throat a woman with no electoral value. Ogbaru people love Governor Obiano but if he does not stop this romance with Chinwe Nwaebili, Ogbaru people are saying that they would have no option than to close rank with Stella Odua and damn the consequence.

If he likes let him withdraw his development projects and sundry political patronage from Ogbaru.

A word is enough for the wise.

Chima Okaka writes from Ochuche in Ogbaru local government

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One comment

  1. The earlier all you jobless money seeking bastards stop writing stupid fallacies. The better for you all. There is nooo truth in any of all this and you know it

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