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Secret Reporters

Information at our disposal shows that, commercial flights in Nigeria are in a habit of serving passengers with spoilt food.
The latest to have continued in this mess is Arik air flight W 723, which passengers boarded on Sunday 3rd April 2016, an gave accounts on how Arik flight from Abuja to Lagos, gave them poisoned food without the passengers notice.

According to sources, as usual with Arik air the 9am flight was delayed for 2 hours without apology, and as if that was not enough Arik decided to serve stale snacks.

One of the passengers who gave a detailed account said, “At first, the passenger beside me showed me her snacks, it was stale and greenish, we called the attention of the flight attendant who collected it and gave her a cake which was also stale, still no apology.

I opened mine, and it was also staled. i am sure others may have eaten it without knowing.”
Another source who lamented her ordeal said, “The question is considering the fact that we pay so much to fly, why are they serving stale snacks? Who is responsible for checking what is being served on our airline? She queried.

Poisoned snack by Arik Air
Poisoned snack by Arik Air

Nigerians in numbers, have come out to air their displeasure on commercial flights in Nigeria, as Arik is not alone in this ongoing food poisoning.

It has been alleged that, all Airlines in Nigeria are guilty of this, as a passenger complained that, she was served stale cake on Air Peace as well. Meanwhile all the people close to my seat ate it like their life depended on it, a source stated.

Nigerians have been warned to be careful of what they eat when flying, as one Rita said,” it is Pitiful. How do they run this business? With stale food served on board.”

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