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In the words of Herbert Hustein the great philosopher ” THERE IS NO ACT OF TREACHERY POLITICIANS ARE NOT CAPABLE OF, FOR IN POLITICS, THERE IS NO HONOUR ” It is on this note i wish to remind President Buahri and his APC of the impending catastrophe that may befall them should CCT justice be traded on the altar of party. The recent dinner hosted at the Aso villa to honour our parliamentarians for democracy day celebration has left Nigerians in a state of amazement and comatose.

Nigerians are amazed at the party moves for settlement with rogues and political rapists, such is least expected from a party that preaches CHANGE AROUND THE WORLD with taxpayers money.

We are surprised and perplexed in president Buhari’s recent body language to welcome a man who is still under heavy criminal charges and who had dubiously forged standing order to emerge leader of the 8th parliament. COULD THIS BE THAT PRESIDENT IS TIRED OF FIGHTING THE ANTI CORRUPTION BATTLES UNDER WHOSE GUISE HE IS GETTING OVERWHELMING SUPPORTS AND PRAYERS? Heaven forbids!

Let me set the records straight for this government that Nigerians popular support she is currently enjoying is not that we are seeing the fruits of our labour, it is important to remind PRESIDENT BUHARI that all the campaign promises except this anti corruption war are yet to come into fruition.

We are happy with your great success in fighting dreaded insurgents but that has not brought food to a common man’s table nor suppresses the lingering salary crises across the States of Nigeria.

In fact, it is not a hyperbole to say that common Nigerians have been the one subjected to higher degree of what we called temporary hardships since the emergence of this administration. WHAT WILL NOW BE THE GAIN OF THE COMMON MAN IF CORRUPTION TAKES FULL CHARGE AGAIN?

BUHARI should not forget his popular nickname during the campaign “THE PEOPLES GENERAL” what we are experiencing today has not been in tandem with this name and people are having another feelings as to what exactly is this change they had voted.

But we have been enduring all these to enable you fully fight the common enemy of the Nation and set the pace for better tomorrow. How will this government now feel if the only thing she is left with is taken off her at the middle of the fight?

What is the benefit of starting a war you know you cannot win from the outset?

Just like your bad critics do say ” if with corruption Nigerians are buying commodities cheaply but with no corruption commodities becomes scarce and expensive , is it not better to leave corruption to keep tormenting us? ”
Mr Buhari, is your recent body language not the cause of why CCT proceeding was miraculously halted to a yet to be known date yesterday?

Are you sure your latest romance with Bukola Saraki will not be giving corruption and criminals a new sense of belonging in your government of change like this?

Be rest assured that trading Saraki’s case for party politics will not only bring your government down but also turn your integrity into child’s play not only before Nigerians but also international observers.

Olusegun Olusola

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One comment

  1. sylvester oluwasegun Isaac

    I can’t really understands why and how Saraki’s trial would keep so long…APC lead govt should understands that observers are watching.

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