Secret Reporters

There seems to be no end insight, as Secret Reporters continues its investigations on the activities of one of Nigeria’s most corrupt Rectors, Mrs.Clara Sogbaike, who is the Rector of Delta State Polytechnic, Oghara, and has been at the centre of heading and leading corrupt practices in the Institution.

We had in one of our reports, gave details how the Rector and the Governing Council members, has never indemnify any student, who is either sick or may have died since the insurance contract was entered into between the Students’Union Government, the Insurance Company and the Institution.












Below is the over 600 students admitted in Delta State Polytechnic, Oghara, which the institution had earlier denied they never admitted more than the required quota of 80 students per department in a particular session.

Our investigation reveals that, members of the National Board for Technical Education(NBTE), has been fingered as an accomplice to this crime, as monies had exchanged hands, thereby allowing the Rector to admit as she desires.

with this over inflated admission quota, monies are collected from school fees, which allows the Rector and the Governing Council to share among themselves, as we had earlier reported.

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Secret Reporters further findings shows that, the students’population currently stands at over 25,0000 as against the over 1000 students the institution is supposed to have, if the admission quota was adhered to.

***More exclusive documents underway***


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  1. it is a pity and shame on all the law enforcement agencies to have not be able to arrest the secret reporter{Mr oliva} and the shamefully DISMISSED lecturer of oghara polytechnic Mr OVIE OCIEBE for act of extortion, defraud, rape of female students in campus and cultism .

  2. Yes it is true,that Mr OVIE OCIEBE is a DISMISSED lecturer in oghara polytechnic because of his numerous atrocities is a general advise to the whole world that Mr OCIEBE is a wanted man before the Nigeria law enforcement regencies for the offences he committed in the polytechnic.
    when he was DISMISSED IN 2014 by an administrative panel he vowed to pull down the polytechnic,Delta state,Nigeria,and the world at large.
    He Has since then being conniving with his evil partners SECRET REPORTER writing petitions certain persons and authorities
    1. Against the Inspector General of police.
    2. Against the National Security to Mr President.
    3. Against the Chairman of the Economy and Financial Crime Commission {EFCC} .
    4. Against the Assistance Inspector General of Police Zone 5 Benin City.
    5. Against the Commissionaire of Police Delta State.
    6. Against the Zonal Head Portacout {EFCC}
    7. Against the Divisional Police Officer oghara Polytechnic Delta State
    9. Against the Rector Delta State Polytechnic Oghara
    10.Against the Ministry of Education Delta State
    11. Against the past Commissional of Education Delta State
    12. Against all past Governing Concoil Oghara
    13.Even Against the present Governing Concoule Chairman that have last up to two days
    14.Against the formal Governor of Delta State Dr Emmanuel Uduaeughl
    15.Against the present Governor Senator Dr Ifeanyi Okowo
    An even against his own mother that works in the customary court judiciary that they are all corrupt persons.

  3. the said ovie ociebe has written this frivolous and vexatious to the Inspector General of Police ABUJA AIG Zone 5 Benin City EFCC, ICPC, HUMAN RIGHT COMMISION CCB,AND NIGERIA CUSTOMS COMMISSIONER OF POLICE DELTA STATE AND DIVISIONAL OF POLICE OGHARA.
    it is a shame that all this is coming out of the mouth of a common criminal

    For as Cicero says, even those who argue against fame still want the books they write against it to bear their name in the title and hope to become famous for despising it.Everything else is subject to barter: we will let our friends have our goods and our lives if need be; but a case of sharing our fame and making someone else the gift of our reputation is hardly to be found.
    Montaigne, 1533-1592
    I am constrained once again to respond to your irresponsible write up which has become the hallmark of your irrelevant publications. To imagine that the Governing Council of one of the most foremost institutions of higher learning in Nigeria will engage themselves in underhand activities as published by you is the height of depravity. It only reveals your low knowledge level and the desperation with which you want so much to mar the reputation of Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe-Oghara. However, I have always maintained that your campaign of calumny against the Polytechnic met its waterloo from the onset. Your evil campaign is nothing short of the antics of a desperate and drowning man who is struggling to hold onto the last straw in the hope of being saved.
    Burn it into your memory that the Management, Staff and students of Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe-Oghara shall never be intimidated by your ill-fated reports. Hang this statement around your neck like an albatross, that nocturnal bird of ill wind. Management shall continue to discipline any erring staff member who falls short of the extant rules and regulations guiding their employment into the Delta State civil service. We are not going to lose our sleep as a result of the termination of the appointment of a few disgruntled elements who think that an institution of higher learning is a motor park where touts can run rough shod of just anybody. No staff member reserves the right to rape, sexually harass or extort any student for that matter. If your ward were to fall victim of any of the above vices, will you be happy?
    Within the Polytechnic community and its environs, it is no longer news that your ill motivated write ups are as a result of the termination of the appointment of Mr. Ovie Osiobe. Since then, everyone in the Polytechnic suddenly became corrupt. The Rector, who was hitherto a saint, became corrupt. The nonexistent Governing Council of the Polytechnic that you so much harp about became corrupt. Documents started flying left right and center. Who is fooling who? Nigeria has gone past the stage where documents are taken at their face value most especially where photocopies are concerned. Just because you superimpose one document on top of another does not make it real. Just because you have a penchant for telling lies does make whatever you say the truth. The question you should really ask yourself is,’ what is the attitude of the reading public to what I write? How many Nigerians really get to access your online platform? ‘ If not for the fact that you sometimes send me the link, I personally wouldn’t bother to look. Infact, I am responding to you simply out of necessity.
    The bottom line is that your report is not born out of a genuine interest to impact the Nigerian society. It is definitely not born out of patriotism or love for country. Rather, it is in pursuit of self interest in the hope of milking innocent and unwary citizens of this country through subtle forgery and intimidation and this type of phenomenon is known as a wild goose chase. Yes, it is a wild goose chase that will soon land you in a lot more trouble. So you see, once again, you have goofed again.
    In conclusion, permit me to remind you that it is the eye of a child that fears the face of a painted devil. We wish you and your team happy publication but no amount of intimidation can deter us from our avowed objectives of transforming the Polytechnic to a glorious height most especially when everyone knows that everything published by you are black lies.
    As for Ovie Osiobe, the right thing for him to do is to humble himself, repent and work out his salvation with fear and trembling.
    As for the Governing Council, Management, Staff and students of Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe-Oghara, we shall never surrender our reputation on the altar of lies because of the dignity of our labour, the beauty of our sacrifices and the wonderful opportunities that lie ahead.

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