Eneh John
Times and seasons come and go, it waits for no man, as the saying goes. Administrations have come and gone, but what they leave behind for the people stands the test of time. It is left to generations yet unborn to see.
When you are entrusted with a mandate, let the world know that you can deliver. What speak for men after their leadership administration is the many lives they were able to touch through projects sited, not the wealth they amass from public office.
Benjamin Disraeli said, “Power has only one duty to secure the welfare of the people.”
And so we know that the present administration in Delta will secure the welfare of Deltans. Okowa will uplift the face of the state and bring fulfillment to the hopes of Deltans on him.
A state that is in dire need of genuine leadership and a government that will get to the grassroots to touch the lives of people even in the remote communities is what Okowa represents.
In the words of Albert Einstein, “We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” If Deltans must survive, a new strategic thinking must evolve. Different from what we had in previous administrations. We are quite aware of the enormous challenges that come with a new administration, but Senator Okowa must think aloud.
The abandoned projects in the state should be visited, roads be constructed, new schools be built, while the old ones get a face lifting. There will be no room for a failed government in Delta State. The belief in Okowa is just too enormous, and the task ahead is even greater.
The prosperity message cannot be a paper work; neither will it be media hype, the citizens of the state even in the Diaspora wants to see that Delta is working.
The advent of the social media has made people begin to question the very essence and existence of any government. The oath of office administered to senator Okowa is a mandate which Deltans freely gave to him. That oath must be adhered to. We trust in the abilities of the governor that he will deliver the dividends of democracy to the state and take Delta state to the desired height it truly deserves.
On this, the support of every Deltan is needed to push the state forward. Okowa is a team player, and we must join hands with him to make the prosperity happen.
William Feather reflects thus: “Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they have never found it, but because they didn’t stop to enjoy it.”
As you journey in Delta State, all citizens resident in Delta and non indigenes of the state, should stop by and have a feel of Okowa’s prosperity.
There is prosperity everywhere much as Okowa is involved in the affairs of the state.

Under an Okowa government, Delta will be great again. A new Delta will emerge.
Eneh John is the Managing Editor of Secrets Reporters News
E-mail: enehjohn33@gmail.com