This is the charred body of Dr Akintayo Oguntuase,a medical doctor, who was shot by some assassins inside his hospital in Owo, Ondo State..His hand was chopped off before he was finally set ablaze right inside his hospital
This was what an anonymous writer sent to CKN Nigeria about the incident.It is reproduced here unedited
“D incidence happened inside his hospital @ Araromi quaters, Akure and not in Owo as being reported. Although, he is d head: Paediatric Dept of d Fed Med Cter, Owo. He one of d illustrous sons of lkole-Ekiti and some times an acting Med Director, FMC. D incubent Med Dir. has bn @ logger – head with most of d Senr Med Doc in d establishment since hs appointment %yrs ago. Always accussing each other of one wrong or d other. Dey hv bn regular visitors to d Div Police HQ, Owo, ICPC Abj & EFCC, Abj. D family in dea press statement hv traced d assassinatn to d MD of d FMC, Owo”
Source: CKN