Mustapha Saddiq

I want you to read this emotionally. I think this strike is intentionally,
To those that want to ask me ‘haba’? Ok, habatically.
I no go lie, I dey feel this strike physically, I’m done psychologically, spiritually & I’m broke economically.

Iyayi’s death, though tragically, shouldn’t have stopped us from going back to our schools in batch-batchically.

I never thought this strike will go this far, actually,
I would have engaged my self and be useful even if its mechanically.
This strike is 5 months old now (& still counting), which is huge number mathematically,
We have suffered enough, psychologically.
Just ask any Nigerian public university girl politely,
she will tell you that for the past 5 months, she had been adding weight physically!
To GEJ: I know you doesn’t ‘give a damn’ about this our Asuu strike, politically, but does that means we will be at home like this permanently?
As a Phd holder, you supposed to have been qualified educationally, Unfortunately, you have failed us woefully.
G7 Governors have taken up all your attention completely,
I know you have been wondering what their motives are, exactly.
Well, you have not been governing us fantastically,
I wonder how stealing is now thriving astronomically.
Boko haram in the north is fit operationally,
while crude oil theft in the south in done openly.
Kidnapping in the east is now done professionally,
Crimes are at their peak in the south smoothly.
To Asuu members: though you claimed to have been fighting for us vigorously, ironically many of us don’t see it that way e.g me, personally.
If not because of this strike, many of us most have finished their various programs successfully,
but alas! Here we are at home sadly.
In my own opinion, personally, I think Asuu had gone too far aggressively,
and it has also start loosing its public support gradually.
We all know you deserve something better financially,
but just take a look, who in this country is living comfortably?
What of if your demands where met successfully,
and soldiers, doctors, nurses alike stepped forward with their demands officially?
In a decent society, nobody should be bragging to be at the top superiorly,
I believe we should all be living hamorniously.
This strike is only affecting the children of the common people in this country, and never those of GEJ or Samabo obviously.
So now, can you (Asuu/FG) please reach consensus immediately?
Stop playing with our future, its effect might manifest dangerously.

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