Dear Fejiro Oliver,
I wish to respond to your article in respect of the subject matter and to say that my brother, Felix Akugha after much consideration felt his media career had reached the pick and wanted to settle for super career.
I have known Akugha as a close friend and brother for over three decades. He never rejected Olorogun Emerhor as captured in your article or report. I do know that you and I share common grounds in our profession and that we must maintain the standard required in this election as directed by BON and NBC and other authorised regulatory agencies. I owe you so much respect just the same way you have respected me in great measure.
I salute your reportorial and investigative courage but you must of a necessity consult me always for balanced stories concerning my Principal, Olorogun O’tega Emerhor, the Governor in-waiting of Delta State. You have my email address and phone numbers and I also have yours. Let’s teach this generation of political communicators that we can play better politics based on issues and facts.
I love you and the SECRET REPORTERS NEWS PLATFORM, always.
Dr. Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe, PhD, LL.B, M.NIIA.
Director of Media & Political Communication,
APC Otega4governor Campaign Organisation.