Fejiro Oliver

All is not well with the ancient Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital (OAUTH), as impeccable information made available to by sources reveal that the Chief Medical Director (CMD) of the hospital, Prof. V.O Adetiloye has reneged on the agreement reached by the management and the National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives (NANNM) by imposing his candidate to head the hospital department of Nursing in Ilesha.

Documents at our disposal dated 27th November 2013 which was signed by the National body of NANNM and the hospital management revealed that the matter in the National Industrial Court should continue until, it is disposed off while agreeing that the September/November 2013 promotion conducted by the management SHOULD NOT lead to change of headship of ANY department/unit pending the determination of the suit in court. This particular agreement is what Prof Adetiloye has brazenly violated by bringing in her stooge, Mrs C.O Falade who was coerced to leave her union and side with the management to come and head the Ilesha Unit after writing the last promotional exam.
We also gathered from sources that the CMD has concluded plans to put all his allies in positions especially in the Nursing Units to enable him gain total control of them. OAUTH is made up of 3 units namely Ife Unit which is headed by Mrs Agboola Omobonila, Wesley Guild. Ilesha Unit is headed by Mrs Adesanmi J.O. 
On Thursday, the CMD stooge, Falade reported to the office to resume as the new Head of Department (HOD), but sources confided in us that the Nurses are ready for a showdown with the management as they have vowed not to welcome or accept the new HOD.

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